
M is commuting to work through the cold winds, snow covered and generally unreliable cycling paths of Oslo on his (electric) bike. Let’s make 2018 the year we are all cycling to work… but it’s very slippery out there, watch out!


H is leaning back very classy onto a stone wall, watching the Peugeot 309 or the neighbor’s kids jump on the trampoline.


G just arrived home from India and is struggeling uphill with his trusty old bike on the way to Frauental. He’s travelling light with just a stick in his basket.


The bike suite continues! I stopped my bike and took some photos of the insane light and the double rainbow in Valby, when A came riding by me while talking on the phone.


H went out on a bike ride starting in Göteborg and when he reached the south of Sweden he took the bike over to Denmark and visited me for a few days in Copenhagen. Tak for besøget!


B doing a track stand after a 4 ARK brunch, not totally comfortable being a ‘hipster’ cut out. However he’s riding a nice custom made D.A.M.P frame and has some good balance going! Cheers