B came last! No, he won! An evening with a good game, fine wine, nice people and perfect cheese (for everyone else)
Tag: sports
The day before we all went to France, we had a nice little french picque nicque with boule / pétanque in front of Hagakyrkan with the 4 ARK crew. This is S going for gold!
Skateboarding keeps us cool during long hours of scrolling in Sketchup. Here’s O going fast in the atrium.
J couldn’t resist the urge to skate. Kickflip!
Three days left on the cultural building project on Ringön. Smooth skating with stiff cad-shoulders!
Last summer F was the boule queen!
J beat the rest of us in soccer.
After a mano-a-mano soccer combat with some dirty tricks, J’s tshirt got torn. Nipple still attached.
I overtook H with a big smile on my face on the finish line at the singlespeed bike race Ronde van Retaard 2010. Since he is the faster rider, H was kind enough to wait for me the whole stage… but in the end I used his kindness against him.